New! 3-point hitch grain-o-vator. Now grain-feeding is easier than ever before! Four Star Mfg, Inc. introduces the new 3-point grain-O-vator! This machine gives you all the convenience of automated feeding without the hassle of pulling bulky grain carts. Just hook the 3–point grain-O-vator up, fill it, and you are ready to feed. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!
3-point hitch design fits most tractors with category 2 hitch
Available in 35 or 50 bushel capacities (1500 to 2500 lbs.)
540 PTO drive
Perfect for filling troughs or bunks
Can be filled with a 6 foot bucket and is low enough to fill with bags
Can be loaded into the back of a pickup truck and driven to the feed lot
Multi-position discharge auger
Discharge auger is available in 6’ to 9’ lengths